Reply To: Girls Congregating the Streets on Shabbos

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I am asking a serious question here, who do you think would give a heter for men and women to “discuss” halachik issues or any issues for that matter in a chat room on the internet.

Which RAV would consider that tzniusdik?

Which RAV would consider that OK, even if you do?

Which RAV would say that is OK, but girls congregating outside is not OK?

YOU are giving YOURSELVES hetering to do what YOU choose to do without ASKING your RAV if it is proper or not because YOU choose to do it and YOU don’t see anything wrong with it. Well in honesty that is a little hypocritical. If you believe in checking with Daas Torah then you should check with Daas Torah if it is proper to discuss such issues in mixed company whether you see them or hear them. Or even if you should be chatting in mixed company at all even though it is anonymous. I doubt if any RAV would allow it and I doubt if any RAV would give a heter for it. The only Heter I can see is if there is a website for Sheilos and anyone can write it to a Rav or a Rabbinic organization for answers.