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Dr. Pepper


So much to write- so little time to write it.

That math equation was too straight forward (and only worth 2 points). Also there was no way to pinpoint Aug 22nd.

I don’t know who you are, I picked up the information from a conversation I overheard when a neighbor came to bring her kids over and stayed to schmooze. (She is friends with either your sister or sister-in-law, and she mentioned something about you and your husband being engineers, having met at Polytech.) I knew it was a long shot but I decided to post it anyway.

My parents don’t live in Monsey and my fathers brother moved out about 4 years ago. His sisters still live there but they took on their husbands last name when they got married. (I’m also not aware of any shidduchim my parents made.)

Other relatives who came over at different times took on different spellings of the name- Pfeffer, Feiffer… Are they Kohanim? (If they’re not Kohanim they’re not related.)

Gotta go now and I’m going to be really busy today so don’t hold your breath waiting for a response.