Reply To: Bais Yaakov Boro Park Tuition Crisis

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Not so remarkable. They DO have the money to stay afloat. Or they defer paying selected bills / salaries until they are in a more flush position.

When they talk “crisis” what they really mean is cash flow. When its plentiful, there is no problem. When there is the sign of a slowdown they yell and scream.

When the general public hears of a poor kallak or orphan, we open our hearts and wallets. When we hear of a school “whose very pillars are wobbling”, “we cannot open our doors this Sept”, we ect, ect”, all of a sudden the public takes a more critical look.

Are they struggling? Sure, if last year you got handed a check for $50,000 and this year its only $10,000 yes, you have a problem. But who told them to base a budget on the $50,000? That was a gift, not earnings (or in their terminology, tuition).

I was raised to only spend 80% of my earnings (10% for tzedakah, 10% gets banked). Mosdos spend 120% of what they net. So who’s fault is that?