Reply To: Shidduchim, What do girls look for in a boy?

Home Forums Shidduchim Shidduchim, What do girls look for in a boy? Reply To: Shidduchim, What do girls look for in a boy?


reb d – “If a husband is kovea itim and has a job where he is making let’s say $60 K and up per year, than a woman should not have to worry about working.”

60K? with how many kids? Not in this world, and not as a frum jew.


“So for what you are saying you would need a boy with a good job or good degree, who is also a ben torah. Not a big pot to select from”

Jeez, Ya think.

Pascha – give me the oldest age of a guy that you would go out with and how tall are you (I may have an idea)