Reply To: Mi Sheberach for Tzahal

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My Friend: Thanks for answering my points. I had asked if you would like to be “mechadesh” an issur of expressing an indirect endorsement of the state, then you should do well with explaining how it’s permissive for Chareidi representatives to sit in the Keneset and for the chareidi public to take monetary assistance from the State institution?

I stated clearly that there may very well be a Torah and moral obligation to recite the Mi Sheberach on the grounds of the Chiyuv/Mitzvah of hakaras hatov; how do you see this relate to Mi Sheberach for Cuban communists rule?

The obligation of Hakaras Hatov is never measured by the amount given. Even the smallest amount of good done for someone obligates him to return hakaras hatov, as stated in the Gemara “one that opens a door for a fellow; his soul is obligated to him in return”. So your argument about how much the State has done for the chareidim with regard to security and financial assistance is baseless. (Additionally, your numbers and logic are way off.)

Your assumption that reciting the Mi Sheberach will have no effect on the Chareidi-Secular relationship, is also way off. The secular Israelis would like to see the Chareidim behave less arrogant and more appreciative for what is/was being done for them. How can you be assured that by sending a conciliatory message to our irreligious brethren it will have no effect at all? Isn’t one Jew who returns to the Torah worth a whole world?