Reply To: Cancer Survivor Stories

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minyan gal

I received this email this morning and thought that some of you or your friends may be interested.


Please join Women’s League and Sharsheret, the national not-for-profit organization supporting Jewish women and families facing breast cancer, for a FREE webinar Wednesday evening, October 20th, 8:30 pm (EDT).

This 30 minute webinar will be a wonderful opportunity for you to learn about Sharsheret’s free programs available to women and families in your community and to find out how members of your community can make a difference in the fight against breast cancer.

Webinar topics will include:

Educating your community about the issues unique to young Jewish women and families facing breast cancer

Engaging your community members through educational programs, outreach events, and seminars

Empowering Jewish women and providing them with the tools necessary to guard their health

Presenting innovative seminars on the impact of breast cancer on Jewish families, breast cancer genetics, and the importance of knowing your family history

Nurturing the next generation of Jewish community leaders

To register for the webinar and login instructions, please contact Sharsheret Director of Community Engagement Rebecca Schwartz at [email protected] or call (866) 474-2774.

We look forward to your participation.