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myfriend (well not really) “Kapusta – aries said as much that halacha is of little value compared to her feelings. And her open disdain for rabbonim shlit”a, which she doesn’t as much as even deny!”
No, that’s not what I said in any way shape or form. That is what YOU chose to read or understand. And that is loshon horah with a capital “L”. That is why these type of discussions are inappropriate because it leads to L”H and worse. Because you sit on your high horse and you look down upon everyone else. And once again you crossed the line big time because YOU ARE JUDGMENTAL and you proved MIKE’s point in spades.
Torah is Torah and so is halacha, but YOU are not a RAV and YOU don’t get to pasken on a chat room. Anyone who has a sheilah should ask their own RAV. And if I have a sheilah I certainly wouldn’t come to YOU, I would go to the one or two Rabbonim I still trust as I said in my post. I never said I don’t trust ANY RAbbonim, and I never said my feelings are more important than Halacha.
Let’s get this straight. YOU don’t know me. YOU don’t know my level of Frumkeit or my devotion to Torah and Halacha which is very straightforward. YOU actually know nothing but your own skewered and very limited opininio which you choose to share with this group. Had you said to YOUR rav the nasty comments that you said to me, I wonder how they would comment on your Loshon Horah b’farhesiah.