Reply To: Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim

Home Forums Controversial Topics Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim Reply To: Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim


I just want to clarify one thing regarding allegations that Judge Millian overstepped her authority in calling the wig manufacturer. While dressed as a courtroom with a “bailiff” etc, this is not a court of law. It’s an arbitration, to which all parties have consented. Judge Millian, although referred as a judge is actually an arbitrator. She is not bound by any rules or code of judicial conduct. As opposed to judges who are bound to consider a case solely on the evidence presented, arbitrators are at liberty to conduct their own investigations, and they frequently do. (Any one who has experience with Beth Din knows just how far arbitrators might go in this regard) As such Judge Millian was completely within her rights to call the wig manufacturer. Moreover, an arbitrator is not even bound by the law in making a decision. All an arbitrator need do is apply equity as s/he deems fit. absent any proof of collusion or corruption, rulings, if they contradict the law, are binding.