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sof davar hakol nishma:
“my only thought is – halevai we should all be so enthusiastic in defending and keeping other mitzvos and chiyuvim.”
The difference is that this mitzva, we actually have to defend – how many other halachos can you think of that some people who call themselves frum not only don’t keep, but are actually upset when others keep it?!
“My husband became drunk one year. It was a nightmare. It is definitely NOT what the Torah asks from us.”
Umm… actually, it is.
“He never did it again B”H.”
We’ll see if you feel the same way about that when he has to give a din v’cheshbon to Hashem for not having kept this halacha.
“The mitzvah of drinking is NOTto get drunk. it’s to get a little high.”
According to most poskim and the simple reading of the Gemora, the mitzva is to get completely, throughly smashed. The Rema brings down a HETER that one can drink a little be and then go to sleep, and be yotzeh. (Yes, you must go to sleep. Those who drink a little and do not go to sleep are not yotzeh according to anybody.) However, the Rema himself ends off with saying that one can be mekayam the mitzva either way.
“MW13- “So what? If it was only legal to keep Shabbos for those 21 and older, would you say those under 21 shouldn’t keep Shabbos?!”
what shyichus is that??!?!! that made no sense.”
What shaychis? Very simple – both would theoretically be halachic chiyuvim, yet against the American law. What would you say?
“Purim is about being with yur family, dressing up, megillah, shalach manos, having a seudah(with a little bit of wine), and giving to the poor.”
Again; no, it is not. Purim is about being mekaiyam the mitzvos of the day – megilah, mishloach manos, matanos li’evyonim, the seudah, and drinking.
“”Purim is about being mekaiyam the mitzvos of the day – megilah, mishloach manos, matanos li’evyonim, and drinking.”
WRONG!!! The four mitzvot are megilah, mishloach manot, matanot l’evyonim, and SEUDAH. Anyone who thinks drinking is one of the four mitzvot is allowing his yetzer hara to distory torah.”
True, I forgot to include the seudah. However, drinking is still most definitely one of the mitzvos of Purim, brought down in the Gemora and all of the Poskim. Anyone who thinks drinking is not a mitzva is allowing his yetzer hara to convince him to ignore the halacha simply because it does not appeal to our (western-culture) tastes today.
Also, R’ Twerski is a daas Yochid on this. If he is your Rov, kol hakavod; but if not one cannot go “heter-shopping”.
“When the Shulchan Aruch was written down, there were no stupid boys driving around in lethal weapon cars…”
True. For the record, I would like to say that it is totally inexcusable to drive while drunk. It is illegal and dangerous.
However, this does not take away the obligation to drink in any way.
“With all the concern about girls’ tznius and measuring skirt lengths,I cannot fathom how the drunken actions of the boys on Purim… is not a way more serious issue.”
What? What does one thing have to do with another?
And besides, a girl dressing not tzinus(ly?) is violating the halacha; a boy getting drunk on Purim is fulfilling the halacha.
“I’m sorry, but it is really quite ridiculous to claim that there is no halachic basis to get mind-numbingly drunk on purim- because there is. It is the pashtus of the gemara and the shulchan aruch.
Also, I have never seen anybody drink a little bit and then go to sleep, so anybody who does not get drunk is usually not yotzei according to anyone.
And the shulchan aruch wasn’t only written for yeshiva guys. You also have a chiyyuv.”
Thank you – finally, some sense! Well said, and I could not agree more.
“PBA-usually I agree with you on things and like what you say…but not this time!”
Tell me, yogibooboo, precisely which part of popa’s post do you disagree with? Do you disagree with his quote of the Gemora and the Shulchan Orach?! Or do you think that the Shulchan Orach really was only written for yeshiva guys?! There’s really not much here that’s a matter of opinion; it’s all straight-out halacha.