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Hmmm. I don’t particularly appreciate being lumped with other posters whose comments I take no responsibility for.
1) Our hashkafos ARE the same as that of our daughters’ school! Please do not be so quick to condemn us. Yes there are areas in which we disagree. That doesn’t mean we are so different. Our children are very careful about Tznius, lashon hara etc. They are B”H very much into their frumkeit. They NEVER mingle with the opposite gender!
So please do not suggest we send our children to MO schools. That is quite different from our hashkafos!!!
That’s nice. I don’t think you should send your kids to an MO school. Why should you punish your kids for your own mishigas?
2) WE REPEAT – IN CASE YOU MISSED IT THE FIRST FEW TIMES WE MENTIONED IT: The school did not have this graduation rule when our girls started there. In fact this is the first one of our daughters whose graduation is affected by this.
Also nice. So your contention is that a school is always wrong if they change any rule and don’t exempt current students.
3) I myself went to a very frum school in Brooklyn and our fathers were invited to the graduation. I have also spoken to friends who’s children are in different FRUM (not MO) schools here and in NY, NJ etc. and fathers do come to the graduations.
Not all very frum schools have the same rules. Why don’t you find a school that has more of the rules you like. Actually, why don’t you find a school that has education you like and just manage with the other stuff.
4) In fact there was a very well known Rav (I will not mention his name because I don’t want any loshon hara to start) who would probably not have had a problem with this. At the graduations from his yeshiva, there were a few times when women spoke. There was also mixed seating at their banquets. NO – THEY WERE NOT MO! WE ARE TALKING ABOUT A VERY FRUM RIGHT WING GROUP.
Oh. So all school can’t have any standards which conflict with this rav’s.
5) I feel like we are being attacked by certain posters on here who obviously don’t even know us. But yet they are so ready to judge us and tell us where to send our kids. The CR is a place to express opinions – not attack or be attacked.
Hmmm. Valid point. You shouldn’t feel attacked on the CR. Sorry if I seem attacking.
But, you seem to feel attacked by the opinions, not by the tone. So no apology. “The CR is a place to express opinions…”
Look, the only point I recall making on this thread is that the schools standard is a valid opinion, which I can understand, and I think anyone should be able to understand.
I don’t think you can have a taana on the school for adopting a standard. If you don’t like it, switch schools. (No don’t, it isn’t your kids fault, like I said before.)
So yes, I am judging you. I think you are making a big deal out of nothing, and not being respectful towards other people’s standards in tznius. Tell your daughter you wish you could be there but you appreciate the schools stand on tznius. Then make a party for her that afternoon or afterward.