Reply To: men banned from girls graduations

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Popa- Reasonable??? You came right out and said you are judging me! you also said i have mishigas! To me that’s quite chutzpadik and not in the Torah way. For someone who is so frum – shouldn’t you be more careful with your words?

speaking of mishigas – to what are you referring? that we don’t like the idea of my husband not attending the grad?

do you think i am in favor of my kids socializing in mixed groups? NOT AT ALL and Baruch Hashem they don’t!!!

And NO – my contention is not that the school is always wrong. from where did you get that idea?

yes – i am aware that not all frum schools have the same rules which just proves my point that you can be frum and have different opinions.

you say we should pick a school we like and just deal with the other stuff – that’s exactly what we did.

you say we shouldn’t judge others on their rules of tznius. i just don’t believe this is really a tznius issue. yes – they made it into one but i see nothing un- tznius about a father seeing his daughter gradutate. he’s not interested in the other girls. anyway it seems pointless to keep harping on this topic already. we’re obviously not going to agree.

btw – the tznius level in our family is, i believe, quite high. i don’t mean to sound holy or to brag. but you make it sound like we are putting down tznius.