Reply To: Child Abuse

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Ben Levi

By the way, For those who have both the time and ability as well as the courage to do so I would suggest that a counter movement be started by those concerned with truly protecting our children.

The orginazation would be dedicated towards fighting anyone who suggests instituting Mandatory Reporting Laws in our communites.

Our Families, children, and communities are to precious to be used as the sacrificial lambs in someone elses experiments that have already been proven to be a horrific failure.

However to start such an orginazation would require real courage as the person would most definetley be attacked for being “backwards” “intolerant” “uncaring” and attempting a “coverup”.

Never mind if it is Parents and Grandparents, Rabbeim and Teachers (who really and truly teach not the ones who just give speeches sort of like the difference between Economic Proffessors and real world Buisnessmen).

Still I am sure they would be accused.

What is ironic is that it is really the accussers who are going backwards in time.

Using Statistics that have been proven False.

Using assumptions that have been Proven untrue.

Using Methods that have already failed and caused destruction.

Oh and you wanna know another interesting tidbit?

You know Joe Manchin the Democratic Senator from West Virginia?

Well he used to be the Governor of West Virgina and when he was Governor for some reason he saw the need to sign a bill criminizing any false accusation of child abuse that is leveled and giveing the accused the right to sue even if no charges were ultimatley brought!

Interesting is’nt it?

So I admit that yes it would be a difficult task to start such an orginization.

But I for one would be eternally grateful to the people who have such courage, for it is the lives of my young children they would be attempting to protect.