Reply To: Many attempts were made for the Kallah. How would you proceed?

Home Forums Shidduchim Many attempts were made for the Kallah. How would you proceed? Reply To: Many attempts were made for the Kallah. How would you proceed?


RABBAIM, When I am mesader kiddushin I inform them that I will not get under that chupah unless the shadchan is paid.

May you be gezunt and shtark! We all know that our treatment of Shadchanim affects to some degree how involved Shadchanim want to be in the future. Especially when we deal with people who dont care or apologize for the couples who dont even make a call at the time of engagement. So, poor treatment of Shadchanim, in effect, at least minimally, creates less Jews. As far as the financial part, when you see photos of a very elegant wedding, in a very elegant hall, it hurts.

Not that many people, Shadchanim and otherwise, are on a G-dlike level.