Reply To: Egalitarian Minyan; As Bad As Reform?

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so you have met several conservative people who are completely shomer Halacha. i guess they are rebels then to defy the conservative movement as a whole like that.

wow you must be REALLY friendly with a lot of people. you ask them questions about Taras Mishpacha? and you watch to see what they do when a milchig fork falls int a bowl of chicken soup? well, assuming you know they have two sets of silverware that is. i guess you eat at their homes then. im sure most Poskim would approve of that.

i happen to know many reform and reconstructionist people who are also completely shomer Halacha as well. i know thats hard to believe but its true, i know them! perhaps ill become reform too, why not, if you can be reform or conservative and be completely shomer Halacha.

i just wanted everyone here to know about this so they will stop criticizing the other two branches of Judaism.

were all the same you know, love Hashem, ignore Hashem, seek to do His will as He has commanded us, or just to be good people and ignore what we dont agree with. its all the same really, as long as we are nice people and have a good gefilte fish recipe.