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taking a break –

Yungerman1 is right, it is definitely a girl/guy thing. It isn’t always a “me” thing. If you look at the examples you gave yourself, it isn’t really just criticism that bothers you. It’s any “logical” reaction. You want to feel that the other person feels along with you, and is so “in it” that of course he/she won’t offer any words of advice etc. right now because IT HURTS! Men like to fix things. A man might even be quashing feelings of empathy because seeing your pain he instinctively wants to make it go away and this is how he (stupidly) thinks he’ll make it better. Some women are like men in this respect (and vice versa of course). And of course, there could be the “me” mentality involved, but I wouldn’t be quick to judge.

What people really need is good communication. If it’s someone you’re close to, just say it! “Thank you so much for trying to help, but when I’m hurting it doesn’t make me feel better to hear that.” Or something like that, and with a non-judgmental attitude. People can be surprisingly receptive to such straightforward communication, and it helps a lot in relationships.

Oh, and while we’re on this topic – look at Popa’s second post here ( for a good laugh.