Reply To: Chofetz Chaim Tznius Foundation

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i think what you are calling “the actual Halachah” (youre basically referring to inches, right) has actually much improved over the last few years, and needs little strengthening (among the frum). the inches are almost always adhered to.

i wish i could use speific language here but i cant. im sure you know what im referring to, see sheins quotes of me.

the Halachah is being trampled on and erased.

i dont know about the socks issue and whatever else you are referring to as extras, im kind of out of the loop on these specifics.

im referring to the manner of dress that would have our alter Bubbies running away and weeping, if not grabbing a blanket and throwing it over them. maybe screaming at them, or fainting. in spite of all the inches being covered.