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Shticky Guy

I welcome myself to the poetry thread,

a place where you dont need to much use your head.

Writing limericks is what gets people queasy,

but simple poetry – hah that’s too easy.

thanx smartcookie for your ultimate compliment,

for thinking that to daas yochid my name i had lent.

i’m a daas yochid also, an individual guy,

but i dont hire out my identity, thats the truth not a lie.

while i disperse,

these few lines of verse.

without getting in a fluster,

rest assured i’m not an imposter!

Shticky Guy is my only name,

and for other’s work i take no credit or blame.

i can continue with poetry for ever,

but authors of limericks are the ones really clever.

so come join us there with a shmeichel,

in the thread where you must really use your seichel.

if you see a limerick written like a tzedraiter,

you know its been written by the 80th moderator.

He says he cant write them though i’m sure he really can.

For he is no way your average man.

His comments and insights and sense of humor,

are fantastic and sharp and thats not just a rumor.

Oldies and newies come in and say hi,

dont leave it all to a few posters and shticky guy.

The good limerickers are blinky, eclipse, chayav and smartcookie,

but its great to get others, even a rookie.

Graduate to limericks although its not kal,

dont forsake us as did minyan gal.

So to prove that you do know how,

write one and post it, DO IT RIGHT NOW!