Reply To: question that will probably be controversial

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BTGuy -“So basically, your answer is to not be friendly since these muslims are just waiting to literally stab a Jew in the back, chas v’shalom.”

Again you twisted my words -it’s not the first time. You also caused some negative posts towards me. Why don’t you try reading My posts before you comment?

I posted -“I just thought of something -only treat them nice and buy them things if you truly have a relationship and know them well.”

I was issuing a warning, not condenming all Muslims.

Do you have a problem with this? Or should e/o believe the whole world & the Jewish Leftists that there is No problem with Muslims -the problem is Only the Jews?

This comes out everyday from the UN – they have absolutely nothing negative to say about all these Arab countries, even nowadays with all the atrocities coming out of Syria everyday.

They can only Condenm Israel day in & day out for building in the West Bank or defending themselves against the constant attack they get from Gaza!