Reply To: If you've read "NASI Project Responds", have you changed your mind?

Home Forums Shidduchim If you've read "NASI Project Responds", have you changed your mind? Reply To: If you've read "NASI Project Responds", have you changed your mind?


RC, you are correct. DY, RC has nailed it with his scenario. More than anything, it is the biggest hinderance to shidduchim.

I believe the NASI initiative will help, somewhat, in that most shadchanim will keep their eye on the prize, the guaranteed money, and stay after someone long enough to get them to say yes.

I truly believe this is an initiative to reward shadchanim, who stick with it long enough, despite the nonesense and drivel they have to put up with on a daily basis and will incentivize them to stick it out, their payday is guaranteed. Perhaps if NASI would be a bit more forthright in their advertisements, something such as…

Shadchanim, do you feel that you are stretched to the limit by people who waste your time with nonesense and stupidity? Does 3 weeks of phone calls, meeting go down the drain every time the boys mother gets involved and is concerned about some 4th cousin of the girls great grandmother whose yichus doesnt pas for her family? Well, dont worry, we have a new game changing plan guarantees you a large payday upon the successful completion of a shidduch. The fee structure is outlined below. The older the girl, the more outrageous and crazy the mother of the boy, so we have guaranteed you a larger payday. Who is guaranteeing you this payday, why of course, these very girls who are desperate to hear from you that there is a boy who wants to meet her.