Reply To: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi Reply To: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi


shmoolik – that is what this is about. all of it, from the mehadrin bus lines to nachal chareidi to the internet to lipa shmeltzer to beit shemesh assaults on 8 year olds. it is ALL about control. Control may be a good thing, if you believe that ol malchus shomayim beins being tachas ol avreichei gedolim, or to be dan lcaf zchus tachas ol gedolai Torah themselves. And the reason so little has been said on these issues, especially the most recent terrible images, is that even though their means are violating Torah, the ends that the rioters want are exactly the same as Daas Torah, as it defines itself or is defined by its yoatzos, so how can they appear to be against outcomes they desire – those being control over the hearts and minds of the chareidi velt- even if the means are abhorrent? Truly there is no simple answer for them, as they see actions that are terrible to achieve outcomes they ultimately want.

Control may also be perceived as a bad thing, and those who want no control at all over any yetzer put themselves outside frumkeit.

My preference is l’chatchila SELF Control, as learned in the system of Torah values we cherish; when you need guidance, though, you must seek it, as the mishna says Asey Lecho Rov. The authority doesn’t appear from thin air – you make it. And it must suit YOU. The mishna doesn’t say Asey LOHEM Rov. Don’t tell others what is das vodin, unless they have taken on the same daas torah as you, and given up their choices to a guide who exercises control as you have done.