Reply To: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi Reply To: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi

Avi K


1. An individual soldier will not hear the same singer “all of the time”. He will not even hear singers all of the time. Only here and there when his unit is sent to the ceremony. There is about as much chance of him deloping a friendship with her as there is of someone developing a friendship with one of the Republican contenders by going to a debate.

2. Only rabbanim associated with microscopic groups like the Eida HaChareidit and NK (if they are considered a Jewish group and not a breakaway, heretical sect) assur voting. All of the rest hold that it is a mitzva. Some even support specific parties.

3. How is it easier to be frum in America? Everything is according to the Goyish calendar. To get off for Shabbat or Yom Tov you have to put in a special request. You can’t even write the Jewish date on a check. There are no mitzvot taluyot baAretz. Ramban, in fact, states that there are only mitzvot in Tumaland in order to practice for Eretz Yisrael.

4. Look inside yourself. Rav Moshe states explicitly that the boy wants to go out with a girl even though neither is old enough to think about shidduchim. “Reut” means something more than mere friendship. Rav Moshe also uses the term “dibbur leshem chibba” (speaking for the purpose of affection) and uses the word “chibba” in several other places.

5.”If you want to be friends with a girl more than with a boy there must be an underlying, even subconcious, physical affection”. You are contradicting yourself. First you say it was paltonic then you say it was the opposite. In any case, the boy did not say that he wanted the girls friendship more than a boy’s. Rav Moshe said that if all he wanted was friendship he would seek out other boys.