Reply To: New news story- OTD Lakewood woman with 4 kids wants custody

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee New news story- OTD Lakewood woman with 4 kids wants custody Reply To: New news story- OTD Lakewood woman with 4 kids wants custody



You said,

“Additionally, she is getting divorced not because of her false claims of abuse that she publicly and falsely advanced in order to win sympathy (does anyone have even a shred of evidence of that, other than this evil woman’s claims?), but rather because she engaged in adultery, immorality, public immodesty, and violating every tenet of our faith.”

I have no idea if her claims of abuse are true or not and have no reason to believe either way.

Why she wants a divorce is irrelevant.

I don’t care if it’s simply because she decided she and her husband have “irreconcilable differences” and therefore wants out.

What is sickening is using a Get to force someone to Arbitrate custody in a B”D, (especially when the state of the B”D system is what everyone knows it is).

What is sickening is telling a mother she must remain frum in order to have any custody of her children.

What is sickening is not clearly explaining that signing a Shtar berurin gives the B”D the legal authority to do whatever they want with your children.

There are so many problems here that anyone with a moral compass should see instinctively that I am not even sure how to argue it. (If someone would ask me what is morally wrong with threatening to harm somebody’s children if they do not listen to you, I would say the same thing- it’s just WRONG!)

Gosh-Were did our community lose the sense of morality that makes us human??