Reply To: Are Heimish Foods Unhealthy?

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Csar, first of all, there was an issue of Mishpacha magazine back in 2006 that devoted a number of pages to the challenges of Diabetes for our community particularly.

Next, Check out the Encyclopedia Judaica entry on Sickness, which discusses higher rates of cardiopulmonary problems and diabetes among North African and Ashkenazi Jews.

Next, The statistical prevalence of diabetes among Jews was even noted more than 100 years ago in the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia. See the entry on Diabetes Mellitus. It’s not a chidush.

Next, see Dr. Stephen Bloom of Imperial College, London, UK’s almost 30 years of work on the issues of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke incidence among Jews.

Next, check out the studies quoted in Koenig, McCullough, and Larsen’s book “The Handbook of Religion and Health”. It cites numerous studies which demonstrate statistics such as, to choose only one, an incidence of Coronary Artery Disease at 17% in Jewish males vs 7% in other populations.

The list goes on and on. It is something that has been recognized and studied for over 100 years, in Europe, North AMerica, and Israel. Why are you challenging the assertion? What is your agenda, Csar?