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rabbi of berlin

do you not believe that everything is min hashomayim??

isnt it funny that the only nazi that israelis ever caught and killed was eichman???(kurt becher who was saved by kastner along with the zionists blessings lived in total freedom in germany for a long time and became very wealthy).

kastner was actually convicted to being a nazi collaborator and after he appealed that decision was murdered(by who? the israelis…)

bottom line:

how dare you zionist force us to serve in your army?

we do not belong to the state of israel.

we were there long before the state of israel.

we do not owe anything to the state of israel.

yeshivos exist everywhere in the world and would have existed in eretz yisroel without the state.

the insecurity for which you need an army was caused by you and your terrorist activities already pre state.

never in the history of jews in golus was there an army to defend ourselves.

ah sorry bar kochba(8 million jews dead).