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Ben Levi


Actually the Gedolim that reestablished Torah after the War fought both in isrealand in CHUl.

The abuse Rabi Aron Kotler, the Satmer Rebbe and other Gedolei Yisroel underwent in Chutz L’aretz is qiuite well documented.

As for what was done in Eretz Yisroel only being possible because it was done under “JEwish” rule.

You are 100% correct Post WW2 the only “democracy” to carry out an intentinal campaign to purposely force Yidden to shmad was the ISreali Government with the despicable Maaborot.

Peyilim was started to fight the ISreali Government because in Isreal because no such campaign was needed outside of Isreal.

As for the ISreali Government funding Kollelim at a level that is not done outside of Isreal.

That happens to be patently unture US Kollel students recieve a comparable level of funding to Isreali Kollel students because of all the programs as well as the addition of a degree since Talmudical Studies is recognized as a legitimate form of study in the US (I Know since I lived in both places).

In Europe social services are actually provided to all.

Regardless of whether or not Iagree with these policies the facts are the funding the ISreali Government provides Kolleim in Isreal is in real dollars not that much different the in the US.