Reply To: PRENUPTUALS in FRUM circles??!

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Feif: That just takes away her support in such a case. But she doesn’t have any punitive penalty which they could use to force her to take the get.

Seeing as the problem of women not accepting a get is just as frequent, and it is very hard to obtain a scrupulous heter meah rabbonim (apparently an unscrupulous one can be had for $50k), it is very surprising that they forgot to include something to force her as well.

I think if I had to sign one, I’d modify it so that whenever I wanted, I could also walk out and be mechayev her $150 per day, until the beis din says she doesn’t have to. And I expect she’d have no objections to that.

I would also amend it so that both parties waived all rights to go to a secular court for any reason except to enforce the penalties and the judgments of the beis din. And I’d also amend it so that the beis din could judge only with din torah as it appears in halacha, and not according to any secular laws. And I expect she’d have no objections to that.