Reply To: saying good shabbos to girls (men)

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=) I dont say good shabbos to them they say it to me….and i cant say i dont say it back…but as my shtark chavrusah would say..” nu why were u looking??..keep ur eyes on the street, and no one will say gs to u”…it only happens( in the places that it is not typical to say gut shabbos to people) when the other person looks eye to eye to the other one of those akward try and keep your eyes on the street, and if it comes to that if you are NOT dressed like a yeshiva bochur you can quickly say it(my opinion)no prob. but if you are you dont have to say it and nothing will happen, people understand. Again this in a place where it is not typical to say good shsbbos to random people. OUT OF TOWN IT IS MUTAR TO SAY BACK TO SOMEONE GOODSHABBOS OR SAY GOOD SHABBOS TO THEM FIRST….BUT QUICKLY!- teshuvus m.t