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this thread makes me sick. and i am very very sorry i ever posted on it. we are yidden. Hashem wants us to love each and every person that He created. He created some that are bigger than others. Hashem would be so disappointed in us. how can yiddden who are born with tzelem Elokim be acting as goyim would? speaking abt other yiiden like this? let me clue you in on something you may have all forgotten: behind every “fat person” there is a heart and soul with feelings! you DONT have to be atttracted to them NOT AT ALL!!! you dont even have to think they’re pretty (which btw every person is pretty in their own way….) but you have NO RIGHT to judge them. you are no better than they are just becasue you can fit into the worlds ideals.i have been extremely hurt when reading this thread and
i am ashamed to be a part of a thread that would forget that fat people are people too.
that being said. i want to give a brocha to all those with the need for a beautiful girl both n the CR and out in the world. (and i mean this FULL heartiedly and NO sarcasm at all. this is a real brocha)
may all of you who need to find shidduchim find tehm soon and find someone who lives up to your expectations and doesnt disappoint you in any way. be it with weight or anything else. may you find true happiness in your life with whatever you need. that goes for anyone who doesnt need a shidduch as well.