Reply To: shidduchim and weight…..

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ilovetheholyland…i think u sound like a really great girl and i know it may sound cliche but sometimes its quiet for a while and then all of a sudden u get a bunch of offers…someone even called me the night before i got married (someone i had previously dated who didnt know i was engaged)…sorry too late dude!!!

anyways my point is, dont listen to the guys in the cr they are in some dream fantasy world like their fantasy sports teams.?!?! there are amazing guys out there who will see past ur weight and see the beautiful girl with all ur amazing middos.

a lot of guys are dumb!!! its just a fact and they want what their eyes see but it almost never ends up very well and they learn it the hard way.

anyways there are guys out there that arent so superficial and as previously mentioned u gotta find great shadchanim that work with u not the ones u chase…

i got set up by my cousin who knew my sister in law….sometimes friends and family are the best if they know both parties.