Reply To: Who Should be Giving Tochecho to Whom?

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DY, I’m rational enough to admit that I do at times fall in to the holier than thou attitude you decribe. I try not to, but I’m not perfect and – I don’t see my hashkafa as the only way, either.

I am not “defending” the MO world because I think it has all the answers. I discuss these topics because I think the chareidi world has the capacity to be better, to overcome the paternalism and prejudice I have described.

Avhaben, thanks for proving my point. A new low? the canard is that the only person the psak describes as capable of determining raglayim ledovor is a rov, and potentially one who has no experience or knowledge of these matters. It once again basically calls into question the immense sacrifices of our parents and the gedolim of the postwar generation, who built mosdos and schools to give us the capability of understanding our world through a Torah lens. Taking the capacity to determine just the possibility – not an actual halachic or legal finding – out of the hands of perfectly capable intelligent, observant professionals spits on their upbringing and their education.