Reply To: A third of Litvish families I know, have one or more single daughters 25 and up

Home Forums Shidduchim A third of Litvish families I know, have one or more single daughters 25 and up Reply To: A third of Litvish families I know, have one or more single daughters 25 and up


daasyochid…I am not 100% but i believe it was started after the war to get the generation started again in yidishkeit not sure when the rabanim inacted the idea they thought it would end up like this….keep in mind large mainstream frum societies have been wrong before I beleive the netziv writes that the beis hamikdosh was destroyed because people werent making a bracha before learning he goes on to explain this was not because they werent talmid cachim but rather because they lost sight of what the learning was actually for …they were putting it in front of everything else while learning is important it doesnt come before DERECH ERETZ…it is not far fetched to say the same thing here even though we have a large consensus that believes one way they might actually be wrong…and I think most of you missed the biggest point here which rings very true in which haifa girls says ” I would rather share a husband then have none at all” and monsey fan the point that started this was the the takanah was for 2000 years and thats over maybe theres a reason it ended think about it