Reply To: Why Hasn't YWN Reported The Webberman Trial?

Home Forums In The News Why Hasn't YWN Reported The Webberman Trial? Reply To: Why Hasn't YWN Reported The Webberman Trial?


@iced, aka Joseph

The boys in japan weren’t falsely imprisoned. No one, outside of yourself and your own dilusions, ever claimed that.

The claim was that they were naive trusting boys who were taken advantage of.

Pollard also isn’t falsely imprisoned, he committed espionage and admitted to it, the claim with Pollard is that he was given too harsh of a sentence.

As former Senator Moynahan once said “you can have your own set of views, but not your own set of facts”

And please don’t ever put the Maharam M’Rottenburg and Weberman in the same sentence ever again.