Reply To: Double Standard in the Coffee Room

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Ben Levi, you have no idea how much learning I have or haven’t done – or anyone else in the CR, for that matter. Who are you to say what anyone’s perspective is based on, other than your own? Your assumptions, and your gaaiva are frankly breathtaking.

There’s a reason why Hillel is followed in all but a handful of disputes. Shammai’s perspectives, while logical, don’t often meet the standard of “V’chai bohem” and thus aren’t implementable.

And Hillel gave a clear insight into VeOhavto, and its corrolary. without it, learning is without legs to stand on, just as without learning, ahavas yisroel is without arms to help our fellow Jew.

You seek to justify an exclusivity of doctrine and “permission to have a Jewish point of view” so long as it matches your own world view.

I know individual Jews who know more about several mitzvos through experience and doing than you or I could ever learn from sitting and learning. If it makes you feel better about yourself to consider your “elite” perspective the one true way, kol hakavod to you. Enjoy the view from the pinnacle of Judaism. THe rest of us will try to live in the real world.