Reply To: What's wrong with the draft?

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1. The sense of entitlement of some here is truly astonishing, even after more than five years in the CR. Suffice it to say that assuming that the broad back of the Jewish people is yours to ride on while you choose to learn is a direct contradiction of a Rambam we have all seen many times. If someone chooses to support you, gezunder heit, learn 24/7. But when you are in a social contract with other Jews (never mind the hypocrisy of using the material benefits of any democracy while not contributing in an equal or even substantial material way to its well-being) you cannot assume they agree to your terms UNLESS THEY AGREE TO YOUR TERMS.

2. Not one of the defenders of the Chareidi position in this discussion has touched the national service option. Doing Gmilus Chasodim, Bikur Cholim, helping the poor, educating the unlearned – these are potential options that the “treife” state is prepared to offer as alternatives, in a manner acceptable to almost all, but you won’t touch these mitzvos with a ten foot pole. It thus seems that your shrill denunciations of the IDF are a straw man, because you won’t consider kosher alternatives, either.

3. There are still those who think that secular Israelis and the government in particular are out to “shmad” Jewish souls. Please. You inflate your importance to the average secular Israeli and the average government employee. He simply doesn’t care. He has many other priorities ahead of your spiritual despoilment. Where he does care about you is if you are infringing on his rights, or if you are not carrying a commensurate burden to what he carries.

4. Nisim happen because Hashem wants them to happen, not af al pi ken when Jews are not following Hashems plan. We have had nisim gluyim for over 60 years in E’Y. We wouldn’t have a Jewish state and a Jewish army if HKBH didn’t will it. At what point do you recognize HKBH’s will? after 70 years? 100? 200? never? Where do you get the gaiva to ignore it?