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Despite your negative experiences Rabbis do not bite. These are topics that can be and should be discussed in an open conversation.

As you are not yet an adult (and perhaps even if you were) A Rabbi or for that matter anyone would be reluctant to give you advice without knowing the whole story. Even as I wrote my post I must admit it is difficult to comment without knowing both sides of a story,however I am taking you at your word that your teacher is treating you in an unbecoming manner and embarrassing you.

You will have to disclose your name,and they will keep it confidential.

From the names above I would choose Rabbi Jungreis as he speaks very much about Emunah and is very non-judgemental and will work to resolve the situation and can help very much to repair the rift you are describing with your parents.Additionally the Rabbi and his Rebbetzin who can have advice for you as well have been involved in education(they had a Yeshiva) for fifty years as well as kiruv work. 718-951-0737

My next suggestion would be contacting Ohr Naava as they can also try to serve as a strong base for you socially and spiritually or at the very least direct you the right way 718.OHR.NAAVA (718.647.6228)Rabbi Wallerstein and staff are great people

You are to be commended for trying to seek help may you have much Mazel