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Daniel Rosen -“Health: I am just going to let you continue talking……”

So why is the next post from you & not from me?!?!

And here it is:

“One may not accept an akkum (gentile) as judge. The Shach immediately qualifies this halacha.

One may not be mekabel (accept) and indeed kabala does not help, is the institution of Arkhaoth. The institution of gentile courts, the institution of gentile law, the acceptance of the gentile judicial system is something we cannot accept. The acceptance of the system of Arkhaoth is pure issur, and hence making a condition to contravene the Torah will be of no avail, because with issurim, obviously, his condition has no validity.

This may be the meaning of a seemingly strange equation posited by R’ Yosef B’khor Shor who says the following:

“Our Rabbis interpreted be judged ‘before them’ and not ‘before the judges of the gentiles.’ For just as it is written ‘from amongst your brothers you shall appoint to yourself a King,’ (Deut. 17:15) likewise the Torah warns not to appoint a gentile judge on Israel.”

In other words, the halacha puts the stress on not accepting the institution of nochrim (non-Jews). Whether we deal with political institutions or judicial institutions – Arkhaoth – it is the institution of Nochrim that we may not accept upon ourselves.

I took that from R”Simcha Krauss.”

Thank you for the Chazara of the Halacha.

“This is relevant because you are the one arguing that the secular court has the moral authority to do whatever they want. I am not trying to embarrass you but please see how foolish you are being. Every new statement you make like “I know more halacha and about the secular courts than you do” or “what the judge did is just like ones father hitting him” simply makes you look uneducated both in regard to halacha & hashkafa. I am not trying to embarrass you and sorry if I did.”

The only one you are embarrassing is Yourself. Time for you to learn some Halacha. Like I said before, the Gov. has a Torah right to make laws. These laws should be in accordance with the 7 Mitzvos Bnai Noach, but even if they are not – if they make laws that are for the good of e/o – the Torah agrees with these laws. Laws against Drug activity would be included with this. Having contempt of the Court trying to uphold these “Good” laws would also be included. This is the reason that what this Judge did is Moral since what he did was acc. to the Torah.

I don’t know who told/taught you differently, but it’s Krum. If you paid for this Torah education -you should demand a refund!