Reply To: Facebook Is To Blame For Rising Orthodox Jewish Divorce Rate?

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The little I know

I found the subject of this thread rather amusing. It’s the old line that guns don’t kill people, people kill people. The gun has many beneficial uses, and I bet so does facebook. I know that computers do. But, as with much else in life, there are risks. So the uses of these things must always be with caution, safeguards, and limitations. Those unable to control when they will use these things, or how much, or what they may do with them should restrict themselves. Think of it as an allergy. Someone allergic to peanuts must refrain completely because of the risks, while someone else can eat as much as he/she wants. With proper guidelines, internet can be used properly, safely, and to the benefit of all. Some just cannot manage to stay within kosher limits. They either refrain, establish boundaries, or they risk falling into some serious traps. Facebook is not the problem. It’s misuse can be seriously problematic.

I do not use Facebook or any other social network.