Reply To: Facebook Is To Blame For Rising Orthodox Jewish Divorce Rate?

Home Forums Family Matters Facebook Is To Blame For Rising Orthodox Jewish Divorce Rate? Reply To: Facebook Is To Blame For Rising Orthodox Jewish Divorce Rate?


I am not going to keep on beating the proverbial dead horse here as I doubt anyone here is becoming convinced of anything. I see that people are just getting more upset and entrenched in their opinions. If you are doing what you believe is right and have the backing of your rabbonim ma tov uma naim. I apologize if I offended anyone here.

@ash I am sure there are plenty of people in the cr that have facebook. and the chareidi comments are just plain hilarious. I don’t think you have a monopoly on what charedi ideology is or isnt as far as i know but there is a sizable portion of the cr who agrees with me so lets not go around labeling people or say who should or shouldn’t comment.