Reply To: To the Parents of Teens

Home Forums Family Matters To the Parents of Teens Reply To: To the Parents of Teens


a mamin- thank you so much for your kind heartfelt sympthy, my mother told me years ago not to look up to her, because she always knew she wasnt someone i should try to be not with things like this more of her frumkeit… thats why for years i have been searching for someone to be like to strive to emulate them. im listeing ot the surviver trust me,i will leave here as soon as i can, and im trying to make arrangments so im away the whole summer this year,im not sure what the year after next holds but i hope to go to seminary in eretx yisroel, thank you for thinking of me 🙂 amen i should have.

i just want to make a general statment, i just want to ask that anyone reading adn replying to mine and others posts here please dont be upset at my mother or her actions or my place in life and what happend.I accept its from Hashem and i know its good for me, i understand it was given to me for a reason im not trying to blame my situation on my mother, im trying to find the way Hashem wants me to take whats given to me and serve Him with it.