Reply To: Bnos Sara vs. Bnos Chava

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the girls were not jappy my year (but since Mesilos closed down it could be they got the more jappy flatbush type) im a regular By type from Flatbush. I chose BC because it is a well established seminary that my school really speaks highly of. back in the day it was the most popular sem to get into.. The teachers were good and normal cant say that all were jaw dropping lessons. but we had 2-3 amazing ones. i gained more from the expereinces being there- shabbasim, shabbatons, tiyulim, yom iyun, extra curricular there is great (rochel imeinu yartzeit program, rav shach program) they also arranged for us to go to meiron lag baomer so we dont have to make our own arrangements. if you have few friends going to make a great group youll meet others.. and youll have a great year…