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frumnotyeshivish- something like that. the q is if i stop college to find myself, or keep going.

zahavasdad- right, i hear that. re handling stress- we all need to learn to handle stress better, dont we? and i’ve dealt with plenty of stress in my life. college doesn’t seem to let up or give recovery though. also, its a different kind of stress…

squeak- even if it’s a degree in tennis and i’m applying to a dental office job?

Torah613Torah- thanks. it IS hard. this past while, my marks are plummeting, including a fail (:( I was an A student!!) so that loses money too… I am already this term being satisfied with my Cs even. but the fail i got… yeah. And yeah, while i’m accepting my Cs, i really need the As for grad school. if i hadnt planned on grad school at the beginning, i dont think i ever would have started college at all. but anyhow.

i will NOT do summer classes because i NEED the break. it’s not even a choice if i want to be mentally healthy. ruchniyus pursuits, but don’t immunize. On your thread about brainwashing? yeah that stuff. and the words i hear, things i see- i’ve lost my sensitivity to too much of it. thanks for the advice.

pba- thank you for saying it. i sometimes wonder if its just me, and people are right when they tell me i’m not doing hishtadlus by believing it deeply.

wiy- no hard feelings here! but i still wont say :), sorry

gamanit- i actually think in the secular world, only the brains or people with specific goals consider college a must. a lot just do certificate programs etc. I am a hard worker, and have quite a bit of office work experience at least. in fact, my biggest work complaints has always been sitting around doing nothing, because i work too quickly for what they expect. I hate wasting time when i’m being paid to work.

swiet- um. no. if you were even serious. which i hope you weren’t. i’ll stick to honestly thanks. for that deal, i could just pay to get my hw and papers written for me

morahRach- fyi, i’m probably close to your age. not a steerable teen :), just looking to hear. but thanks for your concern and for your advice and the details you provide.