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Actually, Zionists do have answers. We just don’t scream “shmad” like you do and act like vilde chayas, so people ignore us :(. Here is a direct quote from wikipedia about Rabkin: “Rabkin can’t resist from widely citing people who name-call and painting all Zionists as evil… This style of writing diminishes the credibility of his argument.” Does that sound like a good, unbiased historian to you? Me neither.
Regarding the Chevron Massacres, how you can even begin to legitimize a cold-blooded massacre that killed 67 yidden is beyond me. That is evil at its core, and yet you still ignore it.
Also, your idyllic picture of yishuvim and peaceful settlements were all started by zionists!! Before Zionists started yishuvim as part of the Bilu movement, Israel was a sparsely populated dump. The Zionists, with their farming communities in places like Rishon l’Tzion paid for by people like the Rothschilds literally drained the swamps and made the desert bloom, per all the nevuahs that said this would happen.
I also yearn for mashiach to come and the beis hamikdash to be built. I just see an autonomous Jewish gov with frum Jews, control of yerushalayim/kotel, and the fact that Israel survives despite 300 million Arabs that want it destroyed as signs that the geulah is coming and Zionism is a big part of it.