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When I was a senior, I was pressured not to go to israel, it turns out that the people who were pressuring me to wait a year and then go to neve were right, not because I was not mature enough to come here, but because even though I was in a high school with bais yaakov hashkafos, I have been sitting for the past few years on the border, hashkafically, between yeshivish and modern orthodox. Additionally, last year, I had to request, for my own sanity, certain accommodations that no other girl would ever have, such as coming to school later on certain days because I was exempt from certain morning classes and therefore would have had nothing to do for long periods of time (if I understood my homework assignments, I would have done them during my free periods), and one day a week, I was able to come to school at 11 am and then leave school an hour later because I was done with classes for that day (yes, that was friday), which other girls who would get that accommodation most likely would have just skipped school that day completely.