Reply To: Letter sent to Mishpacha magazine.

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About Time

Ponevezher RavPonevezher

“Toi- thank you for your input. You have to explain to me,however, how RSR HIrsch zz’l could have made input in this, as he died in 1888, many years before the Zionist idea was even conceived. The only alyah that happened in RSR Hirsch’s time was in 1881- (called “bilu”), and that was mainly frum jews!”

Revisionism at it’s best.

So how was he criticized ‘from all over the map’ for being “anti nationalist”?

or that he was more suspicious of the nascent “Lovers of Zion” than almost any one of his colleagues?

Or that to this day articles come out calling choosing to call him too “German”

“parochial” ?

Or that his successor and son in law was one of R’Sonnenfeld’s biggest supporters on the continent,(who referred to him as the “Kosel Hama’aravi” )?