Reply To: Should The Wife Have Total Control Of The Home Internet?

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Sorry smartcookie


You are articulate and insightful, but I stand by what I said. For one thing, if, as we believe, that men have a harder time and are much more prone to this type of behavior, then it is more men who would be doing bad things with or without the internet. A whole lot more than the women.

People are unaware of how strong the yetzer hara is. And how sneaky. At first everything is “I’m careful”. I would never do something bad. Then the first time someone does something even a little bad, the person feels terrible, and says never again. But the yetzer is strong, and there comes a second time too. With each time, it gets just a teansy bit easier, until there is no longer a battle. And of course when there is no battle anymore, it means the person lost the battle. This can happen to the strongest man or woman. The one who davens erlich, learns a lot (if it’s a man), says tehillim etc. The tzadik or tzadeikis!! My point is, a woman who won’t go out looking for trouble, might get into trouble by having the internet in her home!!!

There is a joke, “A clean house is a sign of a broken computer”.

For those who think it’s no big deal if a woman spends too much time online, think again. The kids suffer, the husband suffers, and the women herself suffers.

Imagine a woman who doesn’t have children after being married many years (or some other tzorah). If she needs something to do, to distract herself, she may take out a tehillim and cry to Hashem. Or, she will go shopping. Or go out with friends. Not so with a computer. She can spend hours online, and it’s a waste of precious time, even if she doesn’t do anything wrong. And don’t make the mistake. A woman is not immune to the yetzer hara.