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“You feel that women can’t be trusted. I feel that women who are happy can be trusted. WE DISAGREE.”

Actually, this is not what we disagree with. I happen to think women can be trused. At least a whole lot more than men.

If you look at my previous posts you will see that what I disagree with is your premise that a happy woman won’t fall prey to the net, while an unhappy woman, if she is susceptible to the net, she will be susceptible finding bad outlets without the net too. I dont believe that is true at all.

Your story about someone calling you proves nothing.

Just the fact you received that phone call, changes your perception, but may not be reality. Just like a person who is mugged will believe crime went up, even if crime really went down.

1. as I mentioned before, I guarantee most sheitel machers didn’t receive such a call.

2. It was ONE man who called you.

3. It was a MAN who called, not a female client who requested help in finding someone.

Sure these things are not new. But there is no comparison to sick men randomly makinig phone calls, (and randomly finding a woman in a vulnerable state), which most frum women likely hung up on, and having a source in the home for those who need an outlet by looking for someone to talk. It was not women who were calling men on the phone!!

And the internet is ADDICTIVE. I saw a cartoon that says it all. A message popped up on the computer screen, “you have been online for one year, would you like to get off and get a life?”.