Reply To: Your Feedback: New YWN Website

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Here’s a case in point of exactly what I was talking about his morning. My husband called and said “did you hear about the whiskey?” NOw, whenever my husband calls in and says “did you hear?” my ansewr in the past has always been “Yes, I saw it on Yeshiva World.” Now, my answer was “no”. He proceeded to tell me about this new realization that one of the major distillers is Jewish and alot of whiskey etc is chometz she’ovar uluv hapesach. He said “it’s got to be on yeshiva world – i heard all the other frum sites have the story prominently, with a list. So i looked. once i looked, i found it, down on the bottom with the kashrus alerts that you’ll never see unless you scroll to the very very bottom. In the old days, a breaking story was seen – period. didn’t matter what category or heading it belonged to….PLEASE make some changes….