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    c’mon. No one with a story? Something to brighten our day?

    Feif Un

    Last year I was having some financial trouble. I davened on Rosh Hashanah and asked more so than usual for help with parnassah. I told my wife I wasn’t worrying too much, because I davened, and I had faith that Hashem would help. I got a call the Monday after Rosh Hashanah that a company wanted to interview me. I went in on Erev Yom Kippur for an interview. Over Sukkos, they left me a message offering me a job.

    You can’t get a clearer answer than that!


    My niece got engaged last spring. I told her older sister that a Ruby has special segulah properties so I want to lend her my ruby ring to wear until she replaces it with an engagement ring. She happens to be an amazing young woman and was absolutely totally psyched and happy for her sister. Well B”H she is getting married in March. She is the first girl her chasson went out with, she just had to wait for him. And she absolutely told him the magical powers of my special Ruby Ring (and her special aunt).


    zees- “touched by a coffee”- lol. literally. and im at work.


    aries- really? rubies? never heard of that. Special powers like magic yamulka special powers?


    Once i was walkin down a quiet street, and a man pulled up next to me and told me to cross to the other side, its dangerous. he then drove away. i crossed over and moments later a car crashed right into where i would have been standing.. Thank u hashm!


    s2021: That’s out of this world!!


    A couple weeks ago, my friend was mugged. The Ganav walked (ran) off with my friend’s phone in hand. My friend was really distraught and didn’t know what to do. Two mornings later, a kid (possibly the Ganav) walked up to a random Yid and said, “Give this to whoever it belongs to and say I’m sorry.” Seconds later, my friend was reunited with his phone.

    The likelihood of having your phone stolen and then returned to you by someone (possibly the Ganav) are slim to none, especially in certain neighborhoods.

    Chasdai Hashem!


    When my gas gauge broke, it took me three times until I learned when to fill up. The most amazing thing is that all three times happened when I started up the car. One of the times I backed up a bit in order to pull out and the car died. Not once did I get stuck in middle of a road. I was able to get gas at my own convenient pace. When it’s three times, it’s really hard not to feel Hashem’s watchful eye.


    for some reason, whenever i run into the grocery for last minute items i never get a basket. i always end up remembering more things i need than those 2 items and have to make a whole scene trying to balance a bunch of things.. but anyways.. pressurizing friday afternoon.. store was closing.. tissue boxes were slipping out of my arms.. and i really needed a bag of peanut chews for a last second desert i promised to make someone for a simchah. i stood there for minutes and agonizing minutes searching the candy isle.. and there were no nuttychews. it was my last outing before shabbos- if not for those chews there would be no dessert. i turned around to leave and i said- just one more look- i asked hashm to pleeese find me some peanut chews, i looked at the shelf and my eyes went INSTANTLY to some other candy shelf and to a bag of nutty chews hiding in the back- My mouth dropped open- i knew i never would have been able to find it..and it didnt even take a second. it was incredible! hashm really..”physically” moved my eyes to see what He wanted me to see- and i felt it so obviously!!i felt so completely loved and taken care of! and flattered! lol. That is my favorite Hashgachah story:)


    I realized Chasdei HaShem one day when one item I use was stolen. I found a replacement for it on Ebay, far better than the first, and so much cheaper! I would not have purchased it otherwise.


    s2021, seriously. Someone told me about it years ago. If someone doesn’t have kids they should wear a ruby, if someone miscarries they should wear a ruby. It is brought down somewhere. So I had bought some rings with rubies in them. My daughter took one and one I gave to my niece. It worked for both in different capacities. I’m not going to argue with success. I told my niece she should consider passing it around in the family.


    Aries- it could be any ruby, not necessarily a ring, correct?


    Correct, some wear a ruby on a necklace.


    i thought the color red is considered like tamai or something


    This might be considered a “smaller” story but I’ll say it anyway. I was listening to a certain song over and over, but the lyrics were impossible to understand and it was driving me crazy. I opened a Siddur to say something (which I had started to say not too long before) and I “missed” the page. The song was still in my head and as soon as I looked at the page, I realized I “bumped into” the lyrics.



    When he got home he had a message waiting on his machine from about 12:45 PM. It was a person who sells sheitals, whom he had sent his wife to buy herself a shaital (before she left). His wife paid, but never picked it up. She wanted to return the money.

    Exact price/refund: Seven hundred and fifty dollars. He had me listen to the message.

    I figured I may as well throw out a divorce story after knocking divorces..


    Bright Cheery (Sunny-NY) New Day..

    Anyone with a story?



    Red is Tamei?

    The Heiligge Ohel Moed had the skins of rams dyed red covering it.

    Red thread of the Tolaas Shani was used extensively.


    There is a funny story I once heard from Rav Mansour.

    This lady was circling around the block for an hour looking for a space to park. She was utterly frustrated.

    Finally she looks up and says: HaShem please, please, please help me find a parking spot”.

    As soon as she finishes saying those words, a car pulls out of a space right in front of her car.

    So she says: “Never mind HaShem, I already found a parking space.”


    wearing red garments is not considered tznius, thats what you are thinking of


    a red band tied around the wrist or ankle may follow chukas hagoyim and is not universally accepted… that may have been what you were thinking of…

    there is nothing wrong with the color red, but it should not be used to attract unnecessary attention to yourself


    It’s getting cold here. Anyone thinking of The One Above? Hurry we’re soon going to print.


    i put my dr. pepper in a bag today before i slipped it into my handbag. it leaked. Hash-m tot loves me!


    Just want to say that I love this thread!! Thanks to all the contributers!


    S2021- and I had a gallon of oil spill on my kitchen floor today(literally), and guess what? Hashem loves me too!


    Hashem is very good to me. I have had tremendous nisyonos in my life but somehow he sees me through them. In addition, my work with at-risk kids has proven to be so rewarding and obviously he led me to them. Many people ask me how I know what to say to these kids and I honestly admit that Hashem puts the right words in my mouth.


    Another Bright (peeked out from my bunker) New Day.

    Anyone with a nice story. Not corny please.

    We have to rush.. another is in the making..



    I think (s)he’s implying, the (s)he put it in a bag, so that afterwards it didn’t leak. (S)he’s thanking HaShem for that foresight, That’s all.


    There is a funny story I once heard from Rav Mansour.

    This lady was circling around the block for an hour looking for a space to park. She was utterly frustrated.

    Finally she looks up and says: HaShem please, please, please help me find a parking spot”.

    As soon as she finishes saying those words, a car pulls out of a space right in front of her car.

    So she says: “Never mind HaShem, I already found a parking space.”

    This story actually happened, up until the last line. When the car pulled out of the space right in front of her, what she really said was, “A SHIDDUCH! I meant please help me find a SHIDDUCH!”


    Zeeskite- I got that. I was just saying that even if it would leak(like my oil spilled),it’s also a chesed from Hashem, but is not so clear!


    I once heard a lecture from a Breslover Rav and he was talking about his preparations in Israel for his trip to America.

    In the course of this, he says (not EXACTLY word for word, but close) “I was packing my bags and Baruch HaSh-m one of the water pipes in my apartment burst, and Baruch HaSh-m my whole apartment was flooded…”

    I did a “double-take”. Did he just say Baruch HaSh-m for his apartment FLOODING?!?!?

    We always hear how one should bless HaSh-m on the (seemingly) bad as well as on the good, but who can really do that?

    I must say I was truly taken aback when this rav said this.

    It was not “for effect” or to be “cute”, he truly had internalized this concept and was saying with true sincerity “Baruch HaSh-m for my pipes flooding my apartment”!

    This a madraiga we all need to aspire to!


    My wife is a teacher and she forgot to bring in one of the materials she needed for a game she wanted to play with her class. B”h the Yiddish teacher had used it recently and she had leftovers right there in the class that she let my wife use. Hashgacha!!!!


    smartcookie: This thread is meant for people in my caliber, who would appreciate and thank HaShem for His chasodim – open and obvious goodness, or recognized goodness in hindsight. What you’re referring to is a higher madrega. I still have way to go. Don’t leave, maybe one day I’ll catch up to you. One step at a time!


    Zeeskite- when my kitchen floor was flooded with oil I certainly didn’t thank Hashem! It’s just very sweet to put it down on paper! Because truthfully, when an ordeal is over, we know, that ultimately it was good, even though we see no good at all.

    I really should work on thanking Hashem for EVERYTHING!

    Hhhmmm… Let me think…

    Hashem has given me a healthy child, who spilled it! Baruch Hashem!


    smartcookie: so that belongs on the other thread.

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