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  • #2042763
    ☕️coffee addict

    If anyone writes anything negative about a Jew does that make him an anti Semite?

    Do the same rules apply to Soros as to Kushner?


    Soros is a lowlife scumbag. Anytime anytime criticizes or mocks that fool, the far left in the media and politics falsely call it antisemitism.

    Reb Eliezer

    Ask your LOR

    but don’t expect Mashiach to come anytime soon C”V if were not ready to get our act together and shape up to a nation that cares and loves for one another without any hatred inside of us for each other.

    I.e. A person cant expect to ever recover from cancer if he just won’t listen to his doctors and stop smoking. We as a loving nation can’t expect the coming of Mashiach with the geula Shleima if we can’t wake up to Hashems open calls for serious teshuva and Achdus together as one nation…. We can’t fool Hashem and think we don’t openly see the horrific wake up calls Hashem keeps sending us to wake up and do teshuva as one loving nation together


    Anti-semitism doesn’t equate to objective criticism of policies and ideas expressed and/or promoted by Yidden from either end of the political spectrum. Only exception is when in lieu of fact-based, objective criticism, the criticism is personally targeted at the yid, using anti-Semitic stereotypes, tropes, memes, visual extremes, etc.

    ☕️coffee addict

    Thank you Reb eliezer

    That article is what this post is based on


    Soros is anti Israel and apologetic/rationalizes of “Palestinian” (racist) terror, check out also the New Israel Foundation.

    Having said all that, still, he has been used a symbol by Nazis, against Jews.

    anonymous Jew

    Soros has funded the ele ctoon of progressive DA’s that have been very soft on crime


    It is not anti Semitic to criticize George Soros.
    What IS anti Semitic is to blame him for everything you don’t like. And no one will explicitly say that, but as things that are disliked by various right wing politicians are in the news, they blame him one by one for whatever they don’t like.
    Perfectly fits the Nazi stereotype of an old Jewish billionaire running a cabal in government, finance, and overall controlling the world.


    chiefshmerel: Is it anti-Christian to blame Trump, Bush or Reagan for everything you don’t like? Then Democrats must be almost universally anti-Christian.

    Shimon Nodel

    He is a kapo




    @ujm, if it were being done because Bush and Reagan were Christian (I intentionally exclude Trump from religion), by people who hated Christians, then yes.
    Face it, George Soros is a dream come true for neo-Nazis.


    CS: All the well deserved attacks on Soros, and they are all well deserved, are because they are well deserved and not because he is Jewish.

    Just like the Democrat and left-wing attacks on Trump, Bush, Reagan, Limbaugh, etc. (Except, in those cases, they are mostly not well deserved.)


    “(Except, in those cases, they are mostly not well deserved.)” Sounds pretty selective to me…
    Do you deny that anti Semites love using Soros as their prime example of Jews controlling the world?


    I don’t keep up with the antisemites. But all the attacks on Soros I’ve seen have been well deserved and not antisemitic.

    I’ve seen the left and media describing non-antisemitic attacks on Soros as antisemitic. It is one of the left’s tactics. They do the same things by falsely accusing their political opponents of racism.


    Secular Jews (OTD to use the current terminology, though often they were second or third generation removed) have made much mischief in the world. Secular Jews are largely responsible for nuclear weapons. Karl Marx has to be blamed for the miseries wrought by his combination of socialism and authoritarianism. To we even need to mention Freud. This list gets to be quite long. While we can say it serves the goyim right, since they encouraged Jews to go off the derekh, we are probably better off in joining them in condeming the secular Jews who are both antagonistic to us (the frum community) as well as a nuisance to the rest of humanity. Goyim have every right to join us in denouncing our wayward cousins, so absent anything else, that is not evidence of anti-Semitism. The “test” as to whether those who attack frei Jews are anti-Semitic is their attitude towards Shabbos (do they support fair Sabbath laws), kashrus (do they support kosher slaughter), and education (do they support Jewish schools able to offer Torah instruction without government interference).


    Ok, Marx, but did Freud do wrong to you? In his book on psychology of humor, half of the jokes he brings are Jewish ones. In many cases, I did not realize they are THAT old.

    Beitza tells us that Hashem gave us Torah to train us in derech eretz and limiting ourselves. Otherwise, we are have so much hutzpa (azut) that we would not leave space for other nations to live in.

    Obvious corollary is that Jews without Torah would mess up the world … It does not matter whether it is their own fault or their grandparents, as long as they have national azut and lack Torah restraints, this is bound to happen.

    Second corollary is that those who learn torah but somehow do not acquire derech eretz are not much better.


    Freud gave much of the intellectual support for the changes in how physical relations are regarded in the secular world (from do the mitsvah of having children, to a type of recreation). While there has always been much perversion among the goyim (and OTD Jews, in all eras), Freud introduced the revolutionary idea that such perversion other than wrongful behavior.

    The universe stands based on Torah, Mitsvos and Gemilas Hasadim, and when Jews go OTD and abandon our responsibilities, the universe is placed in jeopardy.


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