Can golus end but the geulah still did not arrive?

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    Ba’ee v’hadar pashta

    said know things about people. I guess she knows things about gemara do.


    Bein Hashmashos, according to Rebbe Yosi, is k’heref ayin.


    The quote from the Chazon Ish is related by Chareidi publicist, R’ Moshe Schonfeld, who was a Talmid of the Chazon Ish and Brisker Rav. It was published by him in an article titled “בין עקבתא דמשיחא לאתחלתא דגאולה” in Av 5734 in Niv HaMoreh and Digleinu. It also appears in his work בין ארץ ישראל למדינת ישראל עמ’ 37 and is discussed in על משכנות הרועים לר’ אלעזר שולזינגר עמ’ ק, which is readily available on Otzar HaChochmah at this address:

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    You need a password to see that.


    Captain wrote: @rebitzin said know things about people. I guess she knows things about gemara do.

    For those that know, I learn daf yomi with my husband. It is an excellent way for couples to spend quality time! (I don’t mean to boast but I will anyway: We both were proudly mesayem at the last siyum HaShas!!)

    YUTalmid: You bring sources for the Chazon Ish but that simply confuses poor Mrs Joseph who keeps claiming that the Chazon Ish never said such a thing.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    YUTalmid: You bring sources for the Chazon Ish

    No he hasn’t.


    It’s also printed in the Chazon Ish’s biography, Pe’er HaDor vol. 4 page 236 (old edition).

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I don’t care how many times it was printed, it doesn’t say golus is over.


    “אין זו אתחלתא דגאולה אלא סיפא דגלות”


    YU Talmid – these guys don’t care what the metzius (facts) are if they don’t fit with their logic.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    “אין זו אתחלתא דגאולה אלא סיפא דגלות”

    Which, again, means it’s the end of golus, not that golus is over.


    DY when golus ends, it’s not over?! When the book ends, there are still more pages to read?! When the conversation ends, it’s still not over?! Learning never ends but seder is over!!!

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Saying we’re at the end of golus doesn’t mean golus is over.


    Just like during Elul you’ll say you’re at the end of the year, even though there are still some weeks or days to go, so too סיפא דגלות means the tail end of the golus.

    Unfortunately it seems like a too long tail end…


    Now let’s do v’na’hapoch hu –

    Can the geulah come yet we remain in a state of golus?

    (Example, yidden went out of mitzrayim on Nisson 14 – there was a geulah, but they were still suffering from the Mitzrim as they were chased to Yam Suf – still in golus mitzrayim!)

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